News on Mundigames : Page 146


Choose your favorite character!

November 21st 2019

Get an exclusive promotion!

Get a promotion higher than you can find on the website.


*The promotion ends on 21/11 at 11:59 PM (UTC+1).

Winners - Come play some Texas holdem poker: Tournaments all day long

November 20th 2019

00h – 8h :
1 - bibianajg
2 - bruchjms
3 - ste1912
4 - lunacassiuf
5 - vacircassicuraz

8h – 13h:
1 - marylin570
2 - marioicade1
3 - leonci0
4 - revolman
5 - sh4nks

13h – 18h:
1 - marylin570
2 - angelelmejor
3 - chip69
4 - bruchjms
5 - mirlo80

18h – 23:59h:
1 - anrribal
2 - revolman 
3 - dimundo
4 - reinodeandorra
5 - samuelssd

New game release: Live an epic adventure

November 20th 2019

Premiere! WildCraft is here! Test the new machine and help your heroes in the haunted woods.

Try your luck in this fantasy-filled machine. It's full of great prizes.

Today open for all. Good luck!


Come play some Texas holdem poker: Tournaments all day long

November 19th 2019

Participate in your community’s poker day. You’ll get a prize if you’re one of the 5 players who gets the most chips from the tournament.


Texas holdem poker tournaments

Tournament from midnight – 8 AM :  1st- 8 million chips;    2nd - 5th - 2  million chips

Tournament from 8 AM – 1 PM :  1st- 8 million chips;    2nd - 5th - 2  million chips

Tournament from 1 PM – 6 PM :  1st- 8 million chips;    2nd - 5th - 2  million chips

Tournament from 6 PM – 11:59 PM :  1st- 8 million chips;    2nd - 5th - 2  million chips


*Tournaments will be played on 11/19, and the prizes will be delivered on 11/20. 

HAPPY PROMO! Don’t miss out!

November 18th 2019

Today we’re not only bringing this super offer to you, but also want to remind you that now you can play with your friends wherever you are with our app.

Plus you’ll find super offers for its launch within the app.

Multiply your fun!

Download the App

*Promotion valid from 11/18 at midnight until 11:59 PM (UTC+1)

Winners - SPECIAL tournament Men vs Women

November 18th 2019

1 - isamazza
2 - dudalinda321
3 - caro1630
4 - jardi69
5 - sabrinika
6 - pepitagrilloss
7 - colombe28
8 - poupounne45
9 - mimys22
10 - laia277

Get 2,000 chips FREE and participate in the tournament

November 17th 2019

Get 2,000 free chips *, placing a bet in any game, and within two hours, the chips will be added automatically. Participate in the tournament!

Getting them is very easy!

As simple as that! We're waiting for you to play and to get to know the other players in our games!

* Registered users from 24 hours or more ago. You have 11/17 at 00:00 until 23:59 to get your gift (UTC + 1 hours).

SPECIAL tournament Men vs Women

November 16th 2019

Tournament in all games men vs women!

Who will be the winner? We are going to reward the 10 best boys or 10 best girls that win the most chips in all games.

What can you win?

1st classified - 80 million coins

2nd place - 50 million coins

3rd place - 30 million coins

4º-10º classified - 10 million coins each

You can follow the tournament live at this link: SEE RANKING

Let the competition begin!


* The tournament starts on 11/16 at 00:00 and ends on 11/17 at 23:59 (UTC + 1). The winners will be announced on 11/18.
** The ranking will be updated every hour.

Scratch and Win!

November 15th 2019

Get your SUPER PROMOTION! Scratch and Win by choosing the one you like best.

Choose one of the 3 and find out what's hidden ...

Play now!

* Promotion ends on Nov 15th at 11:59 PM (UTC +1).

Winners - VideoBingo tournament – 24 hours

November 15th 2019


  1. rous09
  2. marguerite621
  3. helberth5
  4. utoelqlee
  5. mcperkins46
  6. colombe28
  7. marinilla62
  8. chris14400
  9. balance12
  10. luceromdr


  1. dudalinda321
  2. ricitos1969
  3. yazminzrz
  4. katherinem94328
  5. carolinamihai
  6. lilinaoajuda
  7. jennydemon
  8. aldrita80
  9. gay1994
  10. bipas

VideoBingo tournament – 24 hours

November 14th 2019

The tournament will be active during 24 hours.*
Today’s tournament will have 2 categories. The CLASSIC category, like always. The players who get the most chips in Bingo will win. And the MOBILE category, where the players who get the most chips by playing through the new Mundigames mobile app will win.

* If a player wins in two categories, the higher prize will be assigned to them. That way, their position in the lesser prize will be available for the user who was in the lower position in that game.

In this link, you can see the 100 players with more chips won in the Videobingo.

See ranking

What can you win?

Ranking CLASSIC:

1st place – 30 million chips

2nd place – 15 million chips

3rd place – 5 million chips

4th place-10th place – 2 million chips

Ranking MOBILE:
1st place – 30 million chips

2nd place – 15 million chips

3rd place – 5 million chips

4th place -10th place – 2 million chips

Good luck!


 *The tournament will start Nov 14th at 12 AM and will finish at 11:59 PM (UTC+1).

 ** Winners will be announced Nov 15th.

Special promotion!

November 13th 2019

Special promotion!

We’re offering this super promotion…

Haven’t you seen it yet? Come and find it yourself!


*Promotion available on November 13th from 00:00 to 11:59 pm (UTC+1).

Winners - Great news for the Bingo tournament!

November 13th 2019


  1. shivanas
  2. kovadria
  3. dudam2536
  4. cokitay
  5. mollusqua
  6. mellanie455
  7. pacopalillox
  8. ddddduddddda
  9. lourdes005
  10. tuyyojuntos10


  1. 25lola2
  2. supergraciosa
  3. mundiwuay
  4. 65carlita
  5. 01manzana
  6. pumukuy
  7. nonade4nietos
  8. carolldiosa
  9. lucrecia2012
  10. chuchip

Great news for the Bingo tournament!

November 12th 2019

Now that you can play with your friends wherever you are, we want to give a prize to all Bingo players who bring their friends wherever they are.

That’s why today’s tournament will have 2 categories. The CLASSIC category, like always. The players who get the most chips in Bingo will win. And the MOBILE category, where the players who get the most chips by playing through the new Mundigames mobile app will win. 

Download the App

* If a player wins in two categories, the higher prize will be assigned to them. That way, their position in the lesser prize will be available for the user who was in the lower position in that game. 


What can you win?

Ranking CLASSIC:

1st place – 50 million chips

2nd place – 30 million chips

3rd place – 15 million chips

4th place-10th place – 5 million chips

Ranking MOBILE:

1st place – 50 million chips

2nd place – 30 million chips

3rd place – 15 million chips

4th place -10th place – 5 million chips

Good luck!


*The tournament starts on 11/12 at 00:00 and ends at 11:59 PM (UTC+1).
**The ranking will be updated hourly.

11 of 11 arrives in your community!

November 11th 2019

Today we imbued ourselves with the spirit of 11-11. Do not miss it!

That's why we bring you an incredible super promotion to enjoy this special day.

*Promotion valid from 11/11 at midnight until 11:59 PM (UTC+1)

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